Byzantine... Ravenna... Hagia Sophia... Giotto... 3/4 face... fake window... marble door... Uccello... Battle of San Romano... Dürer... grid... Raphael...
Athens School... Michelangelo... Sistine Chapel... Da Vinci... Last Supper... linear perspective... miniature... spiral reading... staircase construction...
Sûrnâme... muralist... touch... child picture... colour... Monet... Nymphéas...
Van Gogh... spike yellow... Cézanne... Red Rock... picture without black... geometric landscape... perceptual perspective... surface bounce... A edge multiplied by B edge equal field... measuring... shuffling measures... span... foot measurement... counting elements... seeing emptiness... Malevich...
Black Square... bird's eye view... De Chirico... Red tower... motion in the mind... uninhabited... shadow... wind... solitude... LeWitt... wall... space. breaking... ink... water... fow... consistency... paper... cotton... cabinet... opening window... night... incubator disease... sick world... outburst... smell... taste... saffron yellowish... pregnant... stomach ache... throat knot... frostbite... Absinthe green... Baudelaire... Flaneur... elbow contact... foot rub... liberation of gaze... mind bending... slurry mixing... city... blocked horizon... insomnia... moss binding. moisture... watching over the north.. covering his back... purifying... blowing smoke... brush sound... slippery... shaky... breath... corner... box... information filter... blend... human... time... dreaming... Being Neighbour to Homer...

Being Neighbor to Homer, 2017