Seasonless features works that belong to three separate series. On Cursed Times is a series of works that span all three floors of the exhibition space. The series includes images and objects that have been found, collected, adopted, or transformed (beginning with the artist’s last solo exhibition An Isolated Gaze in early 2020) and engaged in conversations amongst themselves to create new contexts. These conversations touch upon the topics of art, literature and mythology, and cruise the shores of Mesopotamian, Anatolian, and Aegean myths. The threatening existences of objects point out the harsh and unreliable character of current times, through puns and semantic shifts. When Sartre was writing about Baudelaire, he defined him, first and foremost, as a “cursed” poet. Based on the bleakest poet in the history of literature, Birsel, in this series, examines his own time.
Birsel’s series “Don`t You See Somethings Are Approaching?” has been going on for five years; it’s a group of works that frame static landscapes, positioning the audience in a bunker-like protective inner space. With this series located in the basement of Ark Kültür, Birsel offers the audience a series of ink paintings that accompany our wavy moods from seasons to seasonlessness, from light to dark. On the walls, he opens up horizontal rectangular slits through which we can look from indoors to outside. "Don`t You See Somethings Are Approaching?” pays homage to Virilio’s thoughts on stopping the flow of time in The Aesthetics of Disappearance, or to the works of masters such as Turner, de Chirico and Nolde.
Basic Food Items and Objective Vocabulary, on the top floor of Ark Kültür, involves Birsel’s both most recent and oldest works in the show. The series began by tracing the influence of the economic hardships during the pandemic and isolation period (2020-21) on individuals; it follows a path in which the artist places certain staple foods in front of him and watches them by setting the light, shadow, and perspective. Later on, Birsel draws these substances one by one in their own isolated settings and hence resists the feeling of uncertainty that dominated the pandemic with these weekly drawings. Basic Food Items and Objective Vocabulary also includes drawings from 1999-2000 (arguably in a state of mind that is similar to today’s) in which Birsel thoroughly watches and examines certain objects and sets on to create a vocabulary for them. Although there may be a temporal interval between these two sets of drawings, it becomes clear that certain things do not change over time. For Birsel, drawing, looking, and examining begin with questioning the position and the reason for the existence of what stands in front of him and before us all. Much like walking is a way of thinking, for Birsel, drawing only makes sense as a method of organizing his thoughts.
Seasonless may be regarded as a state of proliferation or as a sentence that opens up to plurality. Its existence stretches and expands across the space and looks for possibilities for new associations. Spanning the three floors of Ark Kültür, the exhibition remembers a jester who winks at the seasons, or at seasonlessness, at life, at death, movement, stability, and play.





























































1. TITAN, 2022, Arşivsel pigment baskı / Archival pigment print 200x133 cm 1/3+1
2. YANIK PENCERE I / WINDOW BURNT I, 2022 Alüminyum dibond üzerine arşivsel pigment baskı / Archival pigment print on aluminium dibond 150x150 cm 1/3+1
3. YANIK PENCERE II / WINDOW BURNT II, 2022 Alüminyum dibond üzerine arşivsel pigment baskı / Archival pigment print on aluminium dibond 115x150 cm 1/3+1
4. YANIK PENCERE III / WINDOW BURNT III, 2022 Alüminyum dibond üzerine arşivsel pigment baskı / Archival pigment print on aluminium dibond 150x150 cm 1/3+1
5. UFUK I / HORIZON I, 2020 Arşivsel pigment baskı, pleksiglas sandviç / Archival pigment print, plexiglass sandwich 32x70 cm 1/3+1
6. UFUK II / HORIZON II 2020 Arşivsel pigment baskı, pleksiglas sandviç / Archival pigment print, plexiglass sandwich 2 parça / pieces 25x50 cm (her biri / each) 1/3+1
7. UFUK III / HORIZON III, 2020 Arşivsel pigment baskı, pleksiglas sandviç / Archival pigment print, plexiglass sandwich 32x70 cm 1/3+1
8. İÇERİDEN / FROM INSIDE, 2022 Arşivsel pigment baskı, pleksiglas sandviç / Archival pigment print, plexiglass sandwich 30x105 cm 1/3+1
9. CAM ARDINDAN I / BEYOND THE GLASS I 2022 Alüminyum doğrama, çift cam, cam boyası / Aluminium frame, double glass, glass paint 33x58x4.5 cm
10. CAM ARDINDAN II / BEYOND THE GLASS II 2022 Alüminyum doğrama, çift cam, cam boyası / Aluminium frame, double glass, glass paint 33x58x4.5 cm
11. CAM ARDINDAN III / BEYOND THE GLASS III, 2022 Alüminyum doğrama, çift cam, cam boyası / Aluminium frame, double glass, glass paint 36x69x4.5 cm
12. CAM ARDINDAN IV / BEYOND THE GLASS IV, 2022 Alüminyum doğrama, çift cam, cam boyası / Aluminium frame, double glass, glass paint 33x69x4.5 cm
APPROACHING? III, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 83x111 cm
APPROACHING? IV, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 83x111 cm
15. BİR ŞEYLERİN GELDİĞİNİ GÖRMÜYOR MUSUN? V/ DON’T YOU SEE SOME THINGS ARE APPROACHING? V, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 83x111 cm
16. BİR ŞEYLERİN GELDİĞİNİ GÖRMÜYOR MUSUN? VI / DON’T YOU SEE SOME THINGS ARE APPROACHING? VI, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 83x111 cm
17. BİR ŞEYLERİN GELDİĞİNİ GÖRMÜYOR MUSUN? VII / DON’T YOU SEE SOME THINGS ARE APPROACHING? VII, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
18. BİR ŞEYLERİN GELDİĞİNİ GÖRMÜYOR MUSUN? VIII / DON’T YOU SEE SOME THINGS ARE APPROACHING? VIII, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
19. BİR ŞEYLERİN GELDİĞİNİ GÖRMÜYOR MUSUN? IX / DON’T YOU SEE SOME THINGS ARE APPROACHING? IX, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
20. BİR ŞEYLERİN GELDİĞİNİ GÖRMÜYOR MUSUN? X / DON’T YOU SEE SOME THINGS ARE APPROACHING? X, 2020 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
21. BİR ADA İHTİMALİ I / THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ISLAND I, 2021 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
22. BİR ADA İHTİMALİ II / THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ISLAND II 2021 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
23. BİR ADA İHTİMALİ III / THE POSSIBILITY OF AN ISLAND III, 2021 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 38x62 cm
24. YEŞİL UFUK / GREEN HORIZON, 2022 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 30.5x41 cm
25. GECE UFUK / NIGHT HORIZON, 2022 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 30.5x43 cm
26. MOR UFUK / PURPLE HORIZON, 2022 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 30.5x43 cm
27. KIRMIZI YAĞMUR 1 / RED RAIN 1, 2022 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 22x42 cm
28. KIRMIZI YAĞMUR 2 / RED RAIN 2, 2022 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 30x31 cm
29. TURUNCU ŞEHİR / ORANGE CITY, 2022 Kağıt üzerine Iran mürekkebi / Iranian ink on paper 15x48.5 cm
30. ANONİM PEYSAJ / ANONYMOUS LANDSCAPE, 2021 Buluntu yağlı boya resim, beton çerçeve / Found oil painting, concrete frame 29x34.5x5 cm
31. EJDERCUSI, 2021 Ağaç parçası,volkanik taş, patlak plastik top, cam bilye / Branch, volcanic rock, deflated ball, glass marble ball 55x124x11 cm
32. LEONARDOBILE, 2021 Ağaç parçası, çelik tel, çivi, dana kemiği / Branch, steel wire, nails, ox bone 8x49x23 cm
33. KAFEV, 2021 Ağaç parçası, çelik, tel / Branch, steel, wire 32x30x57 cm
34. GREGOR SAMSA, 2021 Ağaç parçası, paslanmaz çelik bilye / Branch, stainless steel ball 12x50x20 cm
35. KRIPTOFOLIA, 2021 İnşaat demiri, altın varak / Iron bar, gold leaf 93x12x2 cm
36. KUŞLARA SU / WATER FOR THE BIRDS, 2021 Bulunmuş mermer kurna, demir destek / Found marble basin, iron support 12x41x30 cm
37. HOMERUS’UN KABURGASI / HOMER’S RIBS, 2021 Ağaç parçası, demir mıh, kibrit, atlas kumaş, paslanmaz çelik bilye / Wood, matches, cloth, iron nail, stainless steel ball 49x78x127 cm
38. TAŞTOP ARABALAR / STONECANNON CARS, 2021 Taş, çelik tel, dana kemiği / Stone, steel wire, ox bone Çeşitli ebatlar / Various dimensions 5 parça / pieces
39. PANKÖŞK, 2022 Taş, kemik / Stone, bone 37x45x47 cm
40. DAMASDUO, 2021 Ahşap sehpa, sigara kağıdı, rakı kadehi / Wooden table, rolling paper, rakı glass 73x37x31 cm
41. KİBEL’İN SOFRASI / KYBELE’S TABLE, 2022 Demir, bakır, bronz, buğday / Iron, copper, bronze, wheat 39x77x77 cm
42. TEMEL GIDALAR - ZEYTİN / BASIC FOOD ITEMS - OLIVE, 2020 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x80 cm
43. TEMEL GIDALAR - EKMEK / BASIC FOOD ITEMS - BREAD, 2020 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x80 cm
44. TEMEL GIDALAR - SOĞAN / BASIC FOOD ITEMS - ONION, 2020 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x80 cm
45. TEMEL GIDALAR - PATATES / BASIC FOOD ITEMS - POTATO, 2020 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x80 cm
46. TEMEL GIDALAR - ACI BİBER / BASIC FOOD ITEMS - CHILI PEPPER, 2020 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x80 cm
47. TEMEL GIDALAR - SARIMSAK / BASIC FOOD ITEMS - GARLIC, 2020 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x80 cm
48. BOŞ AYRAN / EMPTY AYRAN, 2021 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x110 cm
49. FALLIK KAHVE / COFFEE FORTUNE TELLING, 2021 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x110 cm
50. BİTMİŞ ÇAY / FINISHED TEA, 2021 Kağıt üzerine kuru pastel / Dry pastel on paper 80x110 cm
51. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - TENCERE / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - POT, 1999 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 98x98 cm
52. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - KAŞIK / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - SPOON, 1999 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 98x98 cm
53. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - YUMAK / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - BALL OF STRING, 1999 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 98x98 cm
54. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - KEMİK / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - BONE, 1999 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 98x98 cm
55. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - AYAKKABI / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - SHOE, 1999 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 98x98 cm
56. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - NALÇA / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - HEEL IRON, 1999 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 98x98 cm
57. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - ASKI / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - HANGER, 2000-01 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 167,5x97 cm
58. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - TUTACAK / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - HANDLE, 2000-01 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 167,5x97 cm
59. NESNEL VOKABÜLER - FARAŞ / OBJECTIVE VOCABULARY - DUSTPAN, 2000-01 Kağıt üzerine füzen / Charcoal on paper 167,5x97 cm
60. BU AKŞAM EVDE YEMEK YOK YARIN DA YOK, 1994-2022 Cam üzerine kireç, mekana özgü müdahale / Lime on windows, site specific intervention Değişken ebatlarda / Dimensions variable Her lisan için 1 ediyon / 1 edition in each language
61. PAN ÖLDÜ / PAN IS DEAD, 2022 Video, ses / Video, sound, 01’25’’ 1/3+1